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This is a small guide how to integrate the API in your minecraft plugin.


We recommend you to use Kotlin as your programming language, because the API is written in Kotlin. But you can also use Java if you want.

To use this API you have to implement it, you cann see how to do this in the Implementation section. Then you have to register the API in your onEnable method:

companion object {
    lateinit var api: WolkenlosAPI

override fun onEnable() {
    api = WolkenlosAPI(this)

To use this API you have to implement it, you cann see how to do this in the Implementation section. Then you have to register the API in your onEnable method:
public class Main extends JavaPlugin {
    public static WolkenlosAPI api;

    public void onEnable() {
        api = new WolkenlosAPI(this);


The WolkenlosAPI was never tested in Java, so it may not work.